March 11, 2014

When I was in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago, I got to tour a modern loft outfitted with furniture solely covered in Sunbrella fabrics. The loft was beautiful, but I was especially taken by the baby's breath flower arrangement. The lighting is not the best in this cell phone pic, but the arrangement was really interesting in such a modern space. And it looked good, folks. Real good.

I know, I know, baby's breath has gotten a bad rap. But it can really be beautiful.
the knot
Baby's breath, also known as gypsophila, was introduced in the US in 1828 when gardeners from Britain introduced several of their favorite garden flowers.
first come flowers
An instant hit in the States, baby's breath became a symbol of everlasting love, innocence, and purity. Opinion differs on how gypsophila became "baby's breath". Some say it was given the moniker because of the sweet smell, and others say the name was prescribed because of its delicate appearance.
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The arrangement in Atlanta stuck with me, so the week I returned home, I bought three bunches of baby's breath and got to work.