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I've been working on a little board to show all of you our plans for the Master Bathroom redo. (and in case you are wondering, it is still gutted, nothing is really happening yet, and we are still sharing the tiny bathroom : ) ) Everything is ordered, and now it is basically a waiting game and prayers that no other pipes will get jackhammered, and it won't rain on the first floor again.
We actually don't need a ton of tile for this bathroom, as we are not going put tile on the walls like before. And in case you have forgotten, here it is before. (previous owner's photo)

Gotta love pink and blue tile and original 1921 bathrooms! There are things I am saving from this vintage beauty, like the opaline knobs and pulls and the giant built-in mirror, but I will go more into the actual design plan later. Today we're talking about tile.
I've been staring at tile, lots and lots of tile. Thinking about it and staring at this room imagining all of the different ways it could be. I needed tile for the shower, and that is pretty much it. And we only need 100 square feet (that includes waste), so I could splurge a little if I wanted to. Plus tile is a pretty permanent fixture, it's not something I can change a few years from now, so I wanted it to be awesome. I was thinking period-appropriate, fresh & modern, and classic all at the same time.
As Catherine Lowe would say, "grown sexy".
I'm actually kidding, I have no idea what that even means.
My favorite go-to place for tile is Bottega Design Gallery. They have a vast selection, the prices are good, and the customer service is great. I also purchased the
charcoal herringbone tile from Bottega that is in my Addition. It was at Bottega that I stumbled upon
Walker Zanger's Studio Moderne collection.
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