Posted at 15:40h
I seriously considered titling this post "What You Can Do In Thirty Hours".
This makeover was a quick one, but it turned out beautifully, and it seemed to be just the happy, colorful space the clients requested.
And the clients? None other than this sweet couple.

Remember them? I turned their honeymoon photo from the 1940's into a canvas for
my closet turned laundry room update.

When I got married, I received a beautiful thing - grandparents. And this pair is near to my heart, I just adore them. A few weeks ago, we went for a visit (the kids LOVE visiting "the farm"), and as I sat down with Granny, she was telling me about some fabric she had gotten to make some cushions for her back porch, along with some vibrant, striped chair cushions.
It was bright and colorful, but I chuckled when I told her she had been telling me about what she wanted to do to the back porch for over a year. (she sounds like me, ha) It was at that very moment I decided we were going to make it happen.

We did not have much time, but I knew it would not take too long to get things going for Granny...especially since I knew the power of spray paint.
This project began on a Saturday afternoon and ended Sunday afternoon, and you can see the before photo below. The green glider swing you see in the background has been in Granny's family since she was a little girl, and it is special so we decided to give it a special pop of color.

With the color scheme of the cushions and fabric Granny had already purchased in mind, I drove "to town" and paid visits to Home Depot, Lowes, and Pier1. After loading up the car with spray paint, plants, pillows, and a few decor items, I headed back, and that evening, we started painting.
We painted into the night, and Granny was right there with us, spray painting away. (not too many eighty somethings doing that!) Kent and I did not let Granny and Papa Z see their new back porch until we moved everything back in and unveiled the space, and they were so happy with it. Doesn't it look lively and cheerful?